Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Happy Birthday to Mom

She would've been 87 today. That photo was taken just a few months after she left Texas to come live with me and Daniel in Michigan. She is sitting on our front patio, enjoying one of her favorite things to do.

And look at that smile.

She was so happy, here with us, even though leaving the house my father built for her, the home that was infused with so many of her happy memories, was hard for her.

But that's one of the things I inherited from her--strength to do the hard things that need to be done.

I'm so lucky to be her daughter. I miss her so much.

On her birthday, I like to get some kind of treat in her memory as a celebration. Usually, it's coffee, like this mocha from Starbucks that I got on the way to finish cleaning the apartment that used to be home.

Losing my Little Mommy still hurts. I suppose it always will, but I want to also make room for the joy of knowing her, the happy memories I have of her, and all the ways that she taught me to be a strong and good woman.

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