Thursday, July 11, 2019

Thursday 3 - July 11

Thursday 3 is such a great way to document your life in a few minutes a week. Snap a selfie and post it somewhere online, listing 3 things about your right now life. (Find out all the juicy details at my friend Kristin's blog right here.) I don't usually tag people, but anyone reading this is highly encouraged to participate.


Here we go!

1. Yesterday was our official moving day, and all the furniture Daniel and I couldn't possibly move ourselves, along with some we technically could, got moved into our new home. The Keurig was our number one priority, so we could have coffee this morning, and our bedroom and living room were the next things to be set up. Today, the nice gentleman from AT&T set us up for cable and interent, and after sleeping here one night, it's already starting to feel more like home.

2. That being said, there is a lot still to do, including moving the rest of our things from the apartment to the house, which would've been done before yesterday if it hadn't been for my shoulder getting hurt. (I'm trying to handle it with grace and acceptance, but I have to admit I'm a little pissed off at the inconvenient and unfortunate timing.) Of course, we have to unpack, arrange things, and generally finish moving in, and that's going to take some time. I also have to clean the apartment to wrap up our adventure of living there.

3. I joined Audible. I've written before about the trouble I have reading since I started wearing progressive lenses, and a friend of mine wanted to share a book with me, suggesting that I sign up for Audible, so I could listen to it, intstead. In fact, she bought me a 3-month gift membership! Isn't that sweet? I started listening to my first book, and I love it already. I'll admit that listening isn't the same as reading, but it's better than not being able to enjoy the book at all, and I'm an old hat at listening to content because of all the podcasts I enjoy.

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