Monday, March 26, 2012

12 Days of Spring - Day Six

Sunday mornings are my favorite time. Sleeping in, waking up to fresh coffee, an easy, relaxed pace...

Cooler temperatures today, but still warm enough to relax in an Adirondack chair on the deck.

I took the nephew to work and passed by these beauties on my way back. Later in the afternoon, I took Mom with me on photo safari.

Such delicate blossoms in such profusion.

Heritage Park is lovely, no matter what time of year. I love to go there. I used to walk the trails quite often, which I don't do much anymore, but we drive through frequently to catch glimpses of all the natural beauty.

Like these pink flowers.

In the sunlight, they look like they're made of tissue paper.

Mom asked me to get photos of the geese we saw on the pond, but they were really shy, and I could only get some distant shots. Mr. and Mrs. Duck were a little more willing to be photographed.

At least for a moment or two.

The sunlight was plentiful and bright...

...making all the flower faces shine.

On the way home, Mom and I had the windows down for a little bit, but the breeze picked up, a little too strong for Mom's comfort.

We spent much of our afternoon relaxing in front of the TV, watching a movie and an episode of Leverage until it was time for me to pick up the nephew from work. Daniel and I took a glorious walk around the neighborhood as dusk fell, the cooler air requiring light jackets.

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